Friday, May 22, 2020

Pregnancy A Woman s Womb - 1878 Words

â€Å"A baby is something you carry inside you for nine months, in your arms for three years, and in your heart until the day you die† (Mary Mason par. 3). The author is introducing to the readers that the experience of being pregnant is nothing like you would ever expect. First and foremost, in order for a woman to get pregnant, they must have sexual intercourse. During sexual intercourse a male s semen is expelled into the vagina, then the sperm enters the cervix and uterus, until it reaches the fallopian tubes. Once it’s reached the fallopian tubes the egg and the sperm join, resulting in a fertilized egg. Being pregnant is when an embryo or fetus develops in a woman s uterus. The essence of pregnancy; it’s the most breathtaking thing you’ve ever experienced, but on the other it’s a long way from conception to birth. There’s no doubt that pregnancy induces a similar diversity of emotional and physiological responses, such as laughing, cry ing, screaming, dry skin, and all in just one day. Nothing compares to the miracle and magic of pregnancy. It’s a chance to be involved in life’s creative process. During this process, one will experience major changes. Being pregnant is like one moment one is thrilled, impatient and joyous. Then the next one feels anxious about a million unknowns. One of the ways one can increase their chances for a successful pregnancy is to learn as much as one can about what is happening, so one won’t be so overwhelmed. Simply educating oneself aboutShow MoreRelated The Effects of Drinking and Smoking While Pregnant Essay848 Words   |  4 Pagesthing in this world in my opinion, is when a pregnant woman drinks or smokes. Women who drink during their pregnancy dont know that alcohol can fatally harm the unborn baby. 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